Introducing copyright workshop

copyright_5As one of the main forms of intellectual property, copyright protects a variety of created works, from literary and artistic works to broadcasts and software. Most entrepreneurs will create copyright material in the course of running their business, as well as potentially wishing to use the work of others. Copyright can be a key asset in business, allowing its owners to use, control, sell or licence their work, and this workshop will help you to identify, protect and exploit your creations.

This workshop will explain the basics of copyright, including eligible works, duration of protection, key resources, and an introduction to protecting and managing your copyright as well as using the work of others. Attendees will have the chance to work through real life examples, with an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

You can also read our pdf guide:

What is copyright? (pdf)

Who should attend? Entrepreneurs, inventors, innovators, pre-start businesses, particularly those involved in producing or using text, art, music, film or broadcasts.

2-4pm, Wednesday 24th June at the British Library Business & IP Centre

Click here to book for this event.

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